Kanchanaburi view

Kanchanaburi view

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Baby popping out

My baby is so active on the night of 31 August 2014, that I did not suspect that is our baby alarm till my water bag burst at night around 10 plus when we are about to go to bed. I could feel the "pop" sound and feel that water is flowing down. And I quickly stood up and told Mike. When I walked to the toilet, the water is gasping down with a bit of blood.

As water bag burst, we had no choice but to go to the nearby hospital in Kanchanaburi. As language is a big barrier for both of us, we were grateful that Mike's friend rushed down to the hospital with us. Before we settled down, I was treated like a pig (haha), like shaving off the hair on my tummy and free Brazilian shaving. After a while, we were left alone in the ward waiting for the contraction to be more severe. It was a long wait from 11.30pm till the next morning 10am. I could not sleep as my back is very painful and that is the starting of the contraction. Until 10am, the opening is only 4cm and Doctor ask me to bear for another 3-4 hours. But I am so tired and could not bear the pain anymore so we decided to do cesarean section.

At the operation room, they tied my leg and hand like I am a pig waiting to slaughter (haha). After a while, I lost my conscience. Moments later I woke up, I felt so cold that I have forgotten about my operation and baby.

Is a Baby Boy and we named him Adam Yap Yat Hei.

Happy Daddy carrying our baby Adam and Adam stop crying and open his eye to see Daddy.

And for me, I was so tired and painful after the operation that I could not carry my baby until the second day. On the first day, they have inserted a urine tube for my convenience. But on the 2nd day, the doctor advised that the wound is good and I could start walking down to the toilet. Let me tell you, the pain is unbearable when you need to sit up and walk to the toilet, The first step to do all these really need a lot of courage. 

For all mummy to be who thinking to do cesarean section, please prepare a pregnancy band to tighten the tummy to ease the pain. Before I had my pregnancy band with me, I have to hold on to my flabby tummy so that it will not rub onto my wound.  

our 1 day old Baby Adam...

Adam has big eye, small mouth and nose and long leg and hand. o so cute and handsome boy... Sorry that I praise my own son as he has so many cute expression and action that make us smile everyday.

In hospital, we will start to panic when he start to cry as we really don know what to do, is he hungry, need to change pamper or is he cold or hot and have no choice to keep calling the nurse for help. Lucky the nurses are very helpful and friendly that they help and teach us a lot.   

I am very grateful that Mike is always with me throughout this journey from the 1st day of pregnancy till now. He encouraged and helped me during this painful process. And also helping me to finish up the confinement food together.  

Adam's big eye
our first family selfie, love this shot

I was discharged on the 4th day and lucky my friend Tat Cheng accompany us home to help us take care of Adam until my mother in law reach our house at night. I learned to breastfeed Adam but my milk supply is quite low so no choice to feed him formula milk too as Baby Adam has big appetite.

After a lot of research, we learned from friends and internet that we need to pump frequently to increase our milk supply, drink more water and eat oats. So I pumped every 3 hours and eat oats with soya bean milk and slowly my milk supply increase from 10ml to 60ml. That is my achievement for now. 

Lastly, like to thanks my mother in law for rushing over on 4 Sept to take care of her grandson. Over these few weeks, she takes care of baby Adam and big Baby Amanda. She cooks varieties of confinement food from the cooking books she bought, so actually confinement food is so tasty. And lucky she allows me to bath with non-smelly herbs. So I still smell good.