Kanchanaburi view

Kanchanaburi view

Friday, July 12, 2013

People I miss...

Almost 4 months at Kanchanaburi, I miss my family, friends, ex colleagues from OUBC, SLA, Bonvests and Singapore foods. I will be going back in Sept to attend my 2 good friend's wedding, Fangting and Peishan. So happy for them that they have found their soul mate, life partner cos it is not easy to find someone who love, care and cherish them more than anything.

People I miss....
my family who accompany mi over 28 years..

my new family who accompany mi for 7 years..
my best best ex manager, we can chat anything from A-Z.. I miss our chit chat session.
miss the majong session with them, the laughter we have during the majong and dinner gathering
best friend ever..
my holy gals from secondary school
my ex colleague that we have so much fun together, I heard that some of you are not getting along so well as before. Hope you all will be friends again..
my ex GM who is leaving the company today, all the best to him in his new job, I am happy to heard that he never forget me and always mention my name to Eden and Sandy.

 we miss you all..

I miss shopping online too....

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