Kanchanaburi view

Kanchanaburi view

Sunday, November 17, 2013

My thought

Looking back the life I have at Kanchanaburi, I have realised that the life of the local is very poor, their living condition as compared to Singapore is very bad.

Their salary per day rage from 150 baht to 300 baht ($6- $12 Sgd). They have to work from day to night to survive and support their family and they could not afford to make mistakes. Once I saw a car accident that the local drove without checking the traffic, because of his carelessness he has to compensate several thousands baht. In his eye, I could see sadness and regret on his action.

I have to admit that life in Singapore is good, safe and better but the living expenditure is very high that we have to work hard to avoid making mistakes to get fired by our bosses.

People may envy me for not working but I envy people who is working now as I miss working. In order to keep myself occupied, I started to blog, cook and learn new thing.    


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