Kanchanaburi view

Kanchanaburi view

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Pregnancy process for me...

Before baby pop out, I would like to write my experience from my 2 months pregnancy till now.

From the time when I bought the pregnancy test kit till now, I feel that it is still so fast for us to react that baby is coming to our life soon. From 2 persons' world to parenthood world.

When I am waiting for the result of the pregnancy kit, I feel so confused (with anxious, happy and worry) as I knew that I am always not prepared for a baby. I am scared of the delivery pain and getting fat and clumsy during the pregnancy. When I told my husband about the news in the kitchen, I could see that he is shocked and unprepared. On that night, both of us could not sleep as we were thinking about the news.

After that night, I actually feel very happy and excited that I am pregnant. We went to hospital to double confirm my pregnancy with my Thai friend, Jah and the test is positive.

our first photo after we know we are going to be Daddy and Mummy..

As we are going back to Singapore in the next few weeks for Chinese New Year, we decided to break the news to our family when we went back. It is very emotional for me to break the news to my family & friends, don know why. Mike end up told them the good news. From then, everyone treat me like Queen except Mike (that is his character).

Lucky for me, I do not have any morning sickness just that I do not like to eat pork at all for the 1st trimester so I did not gained much weight just 2kg when I am in 3 months pregnancy. Till now I gained 10kg which seem like very little as compared to my friends. Hope that I could slim down back to my 43kg after baby pop out.

Actually, from the start of pregnancy, even though Mike has that "heck care" attitude but he will show his concern and care to me by asking me if I'm ok with the long journey to BKK, if I eat my lunch etc but he will not purposely drive out to buy food or my favorite durian that I crave for.

Once, I fell down (due to slippery floor mat) when I doing my household chore and lucky for me I used my knee and hand to prevent my tummy from hitting the ground. Mike rushed home with his doctor friend to check if baby and I are fine. I feel relieved when I can still feel baby's movement in my tummy. Mike mentioned to me that is ok, don cry and if anything happened he will want the big one (me) to be ok. That touched my heart.  

There are a lot of amazing experience we have, first is when we heard our baby's heartbeat, I actually cry. Next is that Mike smiles when he first saw our little one on that small screen. Another is when we saw baby's face on that small screen again, baby keep sleeping even though the doctor keep poking baby to wake up but at least baby smile to us. And of course feel our baby's kicking and movement everyday. Now, baby's movement is so huge that my whole body could move forward and backward according to baby movement.

I used to walk and shop a lot even since I get pregnant, I get tired and backaches easily. Stamina down... From the 5th month pregnancy, I got more backaches than before as tummy is getting bigger. And also I eat very little but more meal as I get heartburn easily for each meal. Some of my friends get leg cramp and water retention but lucky for me, I don't get leg cramps easily (5-6 times till now) and swollen leg. I feel very fortunate that my pregnancy process is quite smooth till now. My pelvic is quite painful when baby get bigger (around 7th month) as it is pressing downward and I go to toilet very frequent in the day and night too.

Now, I will feel irritated once in awhile, hoping that baby to pop out as soon as possible as there is no comfortable sleeping, sitting position. Once I shout out, I feel better. 

People in Thailand is more caring toward pregnant ladies as the security guard or staff at the MRT will stop me from using the gantry and open their side gate for me. Thai people in the MRT will give up the seat when they saw me and not avoiding by using handphone or sleeping. Cafe's waiter and nail salon will be more attentive to my needs like giving extra pillow and give me sofa seat. I am really appreciated when they show such good gestures.   

When my tummy getting bigger over these months, we feel more excited and anxious now we feel more real that baby is coming soon. For now, will have to wait for the baby alarm to ring...

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