Kanchanaburi view

Kanchanaburi view

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Exploring Suphanburi (farm stay and visit 100 years old market) - 6 June 2013

As Mike will not be at home, Tat Cheng and I visited one of the Thai wife at Suphanburi on 6 June 2013, is about 1 hour car drive from Kanachaburi. Along the way, there is a lot of padi field. Beautiful scenery, which is everywhere along the road. But the road is rough, so I always jumping up and down in the car.
ate this stewed duck noodle at one of the road side stall, love the texture of the duck. 
When we reached her house which is a wooden house with a farm behind. Oh my god, she has so many animals (ducks, goose, dogs, squirrels, goats, cats, chicken) and she has to feed them by herself. She also plants a lot of spices and vegetables by herself. Very proud of her. She has recovered from cancer several years ago and she has mentioned that she would like to convert her house to a guest house for people who is suffering from cancer and during the stay she would like to encourage them. She is very friendly, helpful, hardworking and easy going that made me respect her a lot a lot. She will teach us Thai language when she is free. 

Meow and Mi
Mi, Meow & Tat Cheng

After feeding her pets, she brings us to the famous Sum Chuk 100 years old market. Is an interesting market selling local foods, snacks, pastries and oldies vintage items. Please do consider to explore Suphanburi if you are staying at Bangkok for several days and like to see the local's culture. As we went there is a weekday, some of the shop is not open so the best day to visit this market is during the weekend.

the pavement is broader and cleaner
sweet snacks
delicious meat ball

salted fish
is actually 2 storey wooden shop house
love this sweet white red bean pastries deep deep
coke shop so oldies

over here sell a lot of toys and collectible items

have you play this before?
and this?
still remember if you saw your grandparent using this
and this?
oldies flask to keep hot water warm
Oldies studio shop I found here 

I have played all these except the one with Thai Character, have you play with it before?

I have this when I young.
sweet dumpling
vintage bike (cost about 3300 baht which is about Sgd $143)
soya bean drink and doughstick (You Tiao) craving for this for long.
my favorite fried chicken

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