Kanchanaburi view

Kanchanaburi view

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Exploring Kanchanaburi- Erawan Waterfall (29 Aug 2013)

Climbing Erawan Waterfall the second time with my parents and brother. Had good and bad times at the waterfall as I had a small incident at level 4 waterfall that I slipped (rock slippery) and fell into the water. I am soaked, hurt my leg again (blue black at the same spot) and lost my 2 rings (my proposal ring and wedding band). I am lucky and grateful to one of the thai passerby who found my proposal ring after several hours of search.

Please do not wear any jewellery when you explore waterfall or play sea sport, learned a big lesson. Lucky Mike did not scold me as he seem to knew that something like this will happened anytime.

 level 4 waterfall where I lost my ring

 level 5 waterfall
level 7 waterfall, finally make it to the top with my brother.

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