Kanchanaburi view

Kanchanaburi view

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

chicken with bitter gourd

Whoever love bitter gourd will love this dish. If you realized I cook a lot of stews food using claypot as it add flavour to the dish and is very convenience as you can served the dish straight away in the claypot.

300 grams of chicken leg or chicken wing
1/2 portion of bitter gourd (cut to slices)
2-3 small chilli padi (remove the seed and cut to slices)
1 onion shallot (cut to slices)
1 tablespoon of black fermented bean
1 tablespoon of oil
1 tablespoon of dark soya sauce

2 tablespoons of oyster sauce
1/2 tablespoon of pepper
2 tablespoons of chinese wine (Hua Tiao)
1/2 tablespoon of sugar

How to:
1. Combine chicken with marinade for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour.
2. In a claypot, heat the oil and stir fry the onion until fragrant.
3. Add the black fermented bean and chilli padi and stir for about 30 second.
4. Then add the chicken and bitter gourd and dark soya sauce together, mix well. 
5. Add the abit of water, mix well , cover the lid and simmer for about 30-45 minutes.

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