Kanchanaburi view

Kanchanaburi view

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Our anniversary

This May is a special month for Mike and I. Is our 5th year anniversary (10 May 2008 we rom at our favorite hotel- Gallery hotel and 23 May 2009 we held our customary wedding dinner at Grand Shanghai). So this month is full of dinner celebration.

Our love journey start with his first SMS to be his "dinner's date" for his army dinner at Gallery hotel and that is the reason why we choose Gallery Hotel. Over these few years, he never failed to  surprise me with boutique of flowers and special dinner venue. This year we had a simple celebration at Bangkok, even though there is no flower but there is present for me.

Over these years, we spend almost everyday together, from morning we wake up together for work to dinner after work, for weekend we wake up to eat breakfast, shopping together.

Now when we are staying at Thailand both of us learn to be more independent which help us a lot in this relationship. Even though he seldom say sweet words to me but I am happy to have him with me. Like to thanks him for everything he did for me.

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